Comprehensive Analysis of Water Economics: Global Goals, Challenges, and Investment Needs

The Economics of Water
Mazzucato, M., Okonjo-Iweala, N., Rockström, J., & Shanmugaratnam, T. (2024). The economics of water: Valuing the hydrological cycle as a global common good. Global Commission on the Economics of Water. Paris, France.

Water is one of the most critical natural resources globally, yet its mismanagement and inefficient use have led to severe global challenges. The document “The Economics of Water: Valuing the Hydrological Cycle as a Global Common Good” emphasizes that water management must be restructured, recognizing water as a global common good, intricately linked to climate change, biodiversity loss, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The core of the document is built around five strategic goals that are essential for transforming global water management. However, the implementation of these goals brings about several practical contradictions and financial needs, which must be addressed for successful outcomes.

Strategic Goals

1. Revolutionizing Food Systems for Efficient Water Use

Agriculture accounts for approximately 70% of global freshwater usage, making the optimization of water use in food systems a critical priority. The document outlines the following key objectives:

  • Increasing Plant-Based Protein Consumption: The goal is to increase the share of plant-based protein in human diets to 30% by 2050, reducing water consumption from animal farming.
  • Improving Irrigation Methods: The widespread adoption of micro-irrigation and precision farming could reduce water loss by up to 25%. Significant investments in water-efficient technologies are needed to achieve this.

2. Preserving and Restoring Natural Habitats, Especially for Green Water

Forests and wetlands play a vital role in sustaining green water (water stored in soil and vegetation), which is crucial for ecosystems and agriculture.

  • Restoration of Habitats: The goal is to restore at least 30% of the world’s degraded forests and wetlands by 2030.
  • Inclusion of Indigenous Communities: The restoration of natural habitats requires the participation of local and Indigenous communities, whose traditional practices help manage landscapes and water resources.

3. Creating a Circular Water Economy for Recycling and Reusing Water

A circular water economy focuses on recycling and reusing water, minimizing water loss, and maximizing the availability of water resources.

  • Wastewater Treatment and Reuse: Approximately 8% of global freshwater could be reused if wastewater treatment infrastructure is developed. This requires significant investment in technologies and systems.
  • Reducing Water Leaks: In urban water supply systems, it is crucial to reduce leaks, which currently account for up to 40% of water loss.

4. Producing Clean Energy with Lower Water Consumption

The energy sector is one of the largest water consumers, especially fossil fuel-based and nuclear energy systems that require substantial water for cooling.

  • Expanding Clean Energy Solutions: Solar and wind energy, which require minimal water use, are the primary targets for expansion. For instance, increasing the use of solar energy could reduce water consumption in the energy sector by up to 90%.
  • Optimizing Water Use in Manufacturing: Semiconductor and data center cooling processes can be optimized through closed-loop cooling systems, significantly reducing water consumption.

5. Preventing Child Deaths Due to Unsafe Water by 2030

Access to clean drinking water and sanitation is a human right, yet around 800,000 children die annually due to unsafe water and inadequate sanitation.

  • Decentralized Water Purification Systems: Affordable and accessible water purification systems are necessary to ensure safe drinking water in low-income areas. The goal is to eliminate child deaths due to unsafe water by 2030.


While the goals outlined in the document are necessary to address the global water crisis, several contradictions arise due to political, economic, and social factors.

1. Transforming Food Systems and Economic Resistance

  • Resistance from Animal Agriculture: Reducing the consumption of animal-based products could face resistance in regions where livestock farming is a cultural and economic cornerstone. There is likely to be an economic conflict between producers and policymakers, particularly in developing nations.
  • Innovation Disparity: Implementing new irrigation methods, such as precision farming and micro-irrigation, is expensive and requires investment. Smallholder farmers and those in poorer countries may struggle to adopt such technologies, leading to an innovation gap between wealthier and less developed regions.

2. Restoring Natural Habitats and Economic Conflicts

  • Economic Interests: Preserving and restoring forests and wetlands may conflict with economic interests, particularly in regions where resource extraction (such as logging and mining) provides significant income. This could create friction between environmental conservation efforts and economic development goals.
  • Conflicts Over Land Rights: While the document advocates for the involvement of Indigenous communities, there may be conflicts between traditional land rights and national policies. In many areas, Indigenous land is regulated by state laws that may not align with traditional management practices.

3. Circular Water Economy and Technological Barriers

  • Technological and Financial Limitations: Wastewater treatment and reuse require advanced technologies and substantial financial resources. Many poorer countries lack the necessary infrastructure to implement these systems effectively, creating a gap in the global adoption of circular water management practices.
  • Public Resistance to Water Reuse: In many regions, there is public resistance to reusing treated wastewater for drinking or agricultural purposes, even when it is scientifically proven to be safe. This social resistance may hinder the widespread adoption of water recycling technologies.

4. Expanding Clean Energy Solutions and Economic Constraints

  • Fossil Fuel Sectors and Job Losses: The shift towards clean energy solutions that reduce water consumption may lead to job losses in fossil fuel sectors. This could create significant resistance, especially in regions where fossil fuel industries are a major source of employment.
  • Water Use in Mining for Clean Energy Technologies: While solar and wind energy systems reduce water consumption, they rely on minerals and metals that require water-intensive mining processes. This creates a contradiction between reducing water use in energy production and increasing water use in the extraction of necessary resources.

5. Preventing Child Deaths and Infrastructure Challenges

  • Corruption and Ineffective Governance: In many of the regions where access to safe water is most critical, corruption and poor governance are major obstacles to effective water and sanitation projects. International investments may be misused or poorly managed, delaying progress.
  • Financial Limitations: Inadequate funding and infrastructure in low-income areas limit the ability to provide clean water and sanitation, particularly in rural areas and informal settlements.

Investments in Numerical Terms

Achieving these goals will require significant investments across multiple sectors. Below are the estimated investment needs in numerical terms.

  1. Water Efficiency in Agriculture: The global investment required for adopting micro-irrigation and precision farming technologies is estimated to be around $500 billion by 2030.
  2. Restoring and Preserving Habitats: Restoring 30% of the world’s degraded forests and wetlands requires an estimated annual investment of $200 billion.
  3. Developing a Circular Water Economy: Building the necessary infrastructure for wastewater treatment and reuse will require approximately $300 billion per year to meet the needs of urban areas and industries.
  4. Expanding Clean Energy Solutions: The global investment to expand solar and wind energy, reducing water consumption in the energy sector, is projected at $1.2 trillion by 2030.
  5. Preventing Child Deaths by Providing Clean Water: To develop decentralized water purification systems and sanitation services in low-income regions, an annual investment of $150 billion is needed.


Managing water as a global common good is essential for resolving the global water crisis and achieving sustainability. While the goals outlined in the document are vital, there are numerous contradictions that arise from political, economic, and social factors. The scale of investment required is immense, but the long-term economic and social benefits—such as alleviating water scarcity, adapting to climate change, and improving public health—justify these expenditures. Global cooperation, innovation, and equitable financing mechanisms are critical to ensuring the sustainable management of water resources and securing access to water for all people and ecosystems.

The Economics of Water
Mazzucato, M., Okonjo-Iweala, N., Rockström, J., & Shanmugaratnam, T. (2024). The economics of water: Valuing the hydrological cycle as a global common good. Global Commission on the Economics of Water. Paris, France.
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